Dominic Arizona Bonuccelli is an award-winning photographer and filmmaker who has travelled to more than 80 countries - from Cuba to Cambodia and Kiribati to Tibet - capturing images as the lead photographer for Rick Steves' Europe and Lonely Planet travel guides. He has hosted six seasons of travel shows for Lonely Planet, the National Geographic Adventure Channel, Discovery Asia, the Travel Channel and the BBC across Latin America, Europe and Asia. His editorial work has been featured in Lux, Forbes and The Wall Street Journal, and he is the cover photographer for MovieMaker Magazine in Los Angeles. His film and photo clients include the Space Needle, the Gates Foundation, 3 Form, the Clinton Foundation and the United Nations. He has shot such luminaries as Stephen Hawking, Channing Tatum, Salma Hayek, Kenneth Branagh, Barack Obama, the Dalai Lama and Sting. A graduate of the University of Southern California School of Cinema, Bonuccelli is a dual American / Italian citizen, and is currently working on an art book of his best European travel images from the past 20 years. More work is available at www.azfoto.com.
You can find artist Remy Haynes shooting worldwide ad campaigns for the likes of Microsoft, Netflix or Amazon Fresh. Specializing in lifestyle photography with both corporate and private clients, Remy spent many years in Seattle shooting for Starbucks, Sound Transit, PF Flyers and the Port of Seattle, among others. Her images were reproduced in giant scale for SeaTac airport, on metro busses and around the Seahawk football stadium. Remy works as a production photographer and planning coordinator on commercials and film sets throughout California. Published in several magazines, Remy has achieved acclaim for not only her images but also her writing about travel experiences and the characters she has met along the path. One of these is The Currency Project, a multi-media exploration of the positive effects of the recession, with accompanying art book and Los Angeles gallery show (www.thecurrencyproject.com). Remy is currently starting her own unique apparel line, imprinted with her travel images from around the globe, available online at www.loveandkoi.com. She has challenged Dominic to a game of “Who Can Visit the Most Countries in a Lifetime,” in which she is a few behind. Remy’s advertising work can be seen at www.remyhaynes.com.